Thursday, February 24, 2011


so i'm back ...

and it's back ...

I don't know what it is, but I just want it gone ...


Thursday, January 7, 2010

hello twenty ten!

Aight so 2009 is gone and i'll do a nostalgia post a bit later when I can be bothered, but chiapoco inspired me to post up resolutions for this new year ahead!

So on with the list:

- n2s ... need I say more? :)

- firearms licence

- save 10k

- time to knuckle down and get serious with my body weight/look

- travel thailand/singapore

- Microsoft accreditations

- relearn piano/guitar

- move into the joint out the back of my housebv

- breakdance

- have filmed at least 10 videos for kwik razor

- revive nut hour videos

- collab videos

- project car ???


- oh yeah, I gotta ride a rollercoaster this year! werd!

Anything extra I do would be awesome!

aight that'll do for now ... laters all!


Monday, November 30, 2009

What happens ...

When you realise that everything you worked hard for isn't good enough?

When you realise that the people aren't reason enough for you to stick around?

Sorry, this isn't an emo/suicidal post. Just been thinking about a lot of shit that's been happening recently and trying to put things into perspective. Don't get me wrong. I'm proud of where i've got to now and of my achievements, especially in this year of 2009 (werd up Chiapoco) but there's one particular facet, i'm just not feeling good about.

They say patience is a virtue and that I practice it in droves (these people obviously don't know me) but I'm one that likes/needs to act on things as they come. I hate sitting and stewing on things as it consumes so much f*cking energy and time, which I already don't have a lot of! I always advise people to do the same, and now I find myself in the same situation carrying on like a brat ... not really a brat but you know what I mean.

Again, I'm told to wait it out and not make rational decisions.

We'll see what happens ...

NB: For anyone that even pays attention to this blog, I will continue to update this from time to time. The nuthour blog, will continue as well, moreso for the fun/random shit that I get up to. However, I'll keep this blog open for the serious/thought provoking stuff.

So if this serious ish isn't for you, then check out my other blog:, otherwise, feel free to comment below!


Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentines Gift ...

From the n2s boys...this is dedicated to our girls: J, L & A

Happy Valentines Day ladies...hope you enjoy our little present to you!

NB: Putting this video together was the biggest mission! Several failed attempts, missing equipment (which has happened to be the norm lately?), faulty software, failed filming spots, rain, dead batteries, dead cameras, more rain, failing to upload...yeah it's been a crazy last 24 hours. hahaha Hope you enjoy watching as much as we did putting it together! hahaha :D

Monday, January 26, 2009

09 ... whats in store ...

So I thought i'd write my obligatory resolution blog for 2009 and be done with it. I'm not usually a fan of posting up my resolutions as I usually find as I read other peoples resolutions, that mine turn out to be quite mundane and petty.

I've decided to rectify that this year and actually take time to sit and think about my resolutions before proclaiming them to the world.

(At this point I actually took time to sit and think about what resolutions I'd like to have a go at...)

1) My health. I know I kicked it off last year, and i've set my benchmark, but now is time for me to step it up a notch. This year, I will train and prepare myself for the Sydney city to surf run! It's going to be a big year ahead of me so wish me luck! I will track my progress so you will know where i'm at!

2) My studies. I'm looking at actually studying something I enjoy. I'm thinking hell, i'll just finish what accounting degree as well, but I'm looking at some Visual Communication/Desgin degrees. I'll have to get off my ass and sort that out, but in the mean time, i'll be sure to keep my head up and not fail anymore classes (although it has been good for me in the past :P)

3) My ventures. I've got a lot on my plate...enough to keep me busy that is. I've got my nutHour video blogs (, n2s jam sessions (, and comedy skits with Kwokka TV ( As you can see, they're all video based (which hopefully the visual comms/design degree will help with) as well as all the dj'ing I get up too, so hopefully I can manage all of them and get them all to a pretty serious level that people are noticing and watching my stuff. Hopefully, this'll give me a decent portfolio should I one day decided to change industries!

4) My backyard. I've got a few DIY projects on the go, such as landscaping the backyard (!!!) and rebuilding my bbq which should be too hard. Either way, hopefully this'll keep me busy and at home so I can save cash!

Of course, I want to make sure my relationships with my family, friends (and you...) continue to flourish throughout the following year of 09, but that's always a given.

I'm sure there's a lot more i'd like to do, but these are the main tasks that i'll be undertaking in the following year! You'll definitely hear if anything changes or if anything comes up, but this year, i'm going to focus on whats right by me...ensuring that I am the best person that I can be!

09 is mine!

take it easy!


Hi 09' ...

Hey everyone!

Hows 09 been treating you so far?'s been quite hectik, between all the work, birthdays, outtings and video shooting i've been doing (checkout, i really haven't had much time to breath, let alone sleep.

I just wanted to drop a quick line to let everyone know i'm not neglecting my blogs (both here and on youtube) but i am just trying to get on top of everything!

For those of you subscribed to my youtube channel, i'll be putting up a video this week (grrrr so much for weekly uploads! lol) so stay tuned. For those of you who are only my readers, go and subscribe to my youtube channel as well hahaha!

I'll follow this up with another blog soon, got a lot to update you guys on!

Take it easy!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A poem...

I am in no way taking ownership of this mate wrote it and I thought it was good... worhty of being shared with the 5 or so of you that read my blog (lolzors) so here it is:

"Like a young boys hope of looking to find,
the elusive feeling of complete,
in his heart and his mind,
for wherever he goes,
all he knows,
is love not found,
is like a heartbeat ... with no sound"


C&C in the comments please!

Will create a blog soon guys...

take it easy...peace!
